
Monday, October 10, 2011

Brain Drain- a problem for India

Brain Drain the much touted phenomenon of the 90s seems to be all set for a role reversal. As India turns 62, reverse brain drain seems to be the silver lining on the cloud. The country’s greater minds are flocking back to the resilient economy that has withstood the global meltdown. Reverse brain drain is a great sign of the world’s confidence in India. It is a sign of global recognition of India’s potential.

2010 saw as many as 60,000 Indian professionals who had settled in the USA, return to India. With the economic depression naming loss of jobs as the crucial factor for coming home, the fact remains that some of the best minds are back. The shortage in the supply of talent and the economical boom in India is serving as the icing on the cake. It is attracting and bringing the best talent back to India.

Also, not only is the reverse brain drain voluntary several Indian’s are returning home as part of their job packages. This means leading multinationals are now sending their top Indian minds to head their new companies back in India.

With many second generation Indians coming back to the country are adjustments difficult? Those of us who knew that we could not permanently leave India, have sensibly kept our links with the country. We have educated our children in systems that are compatible to those in India so that they can come home for higher studies or work.

Well what can we say except; welcome back home.

Young seniors needed:

With India entering its 61st year as a Republic this January 26, the age of country seems coincidental with the age of its rulers. Republican Indian today is ruled by senior citizens and the youth seems to feel far away from having a voice.

We are not belittling the experience of seniors but if India is our future we too would like to have a say in the manner in which the country is governed.

India needs many more agile hands to give it a new lease of dynamism . Our politicos may be pledging growth, but the need of the hour does seem to be greater youth participation. The country desperately needs young leaders who personify energy, enthusiasm, morality and diligence, we have indubitably progressed a lot in the last 61 years but the pace of development would have been completely different had some young torchbearers led the progress march.

What is it that prevents the youth from taking an active initiative? Why has the college politics of the 60s and 70s died down? The youth today are not interested in actively participating in the political arena. We are content with what we are doing and the commercial avenues open to us.

But that does not hold true for the majority of the country’s youth considering the voices of discontent that are shouting out loud on online social networks. Youngsters are making their discontent towards cases such as reservation or the Jessica Lal murder case known. The modern youth are aware of the problems facing the country and the world at large. Given a chance they would be ready to change the political conditions of the country.

What is it that stops them? Is it the fact that there are not enough opportunities for young leaders to enter and create their own name? That the legacy of the old political dynasty has hardly given way? We need people who think differently and can bring about dynamic changes in the system by breaking the set norms. And this can only be done by a fresh bunch of youngsters with no legacy behind them. Many however believe that there should be a good mix of youth and experience. Both the youth and the experienced are required for a healthy balance. Though there is a lot of young blood in politics we also need a level of maturity as well.

The new generation will, however, have to show a lot restraint and learn from the mistakes that the previous generation had made and make sure they do not repeat them.
Excerpts from The Times of India

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